
All individual tracks are available for purchase in our Shop as MP3 digital downloads.

Reflections Cover
16 Songs composed and performed by Eric Thor Karlstrom.  Photos by Marilu Weishaar.

1. Song of an Earthman
2. Ridge Walkin’
3. The Cloud
4. Hey
5. How Long is Our Time?
6. Flute Song
7. A Red Flower
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8. Mindy
9. Heaven Knows
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10. Kirsten
11. The Knight and the Dragon
12. Drivin’ Blind
13. Why Should It Be
14. Ode to Jimmy
15. Maui Prayer
16. Reflections

These sixteen original songs have quite a history. They span five decades and two centuries! So this little CD is nearly a historical document now! The recording of these songs has a distinguished history as well, spanning nearly three decades. I recorded the guitar and lead vocals for songs 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, and 16 at Phil Gall’s Mudshark Studio in Flagstaff, Arizona in 1981. Returning to Mudshark in 1996, I added banjo and/or harmony vocals to songs 5, 9, 12 and 16 and alos recorded songs 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8. To complete this compilation, I recorded song 14 at Don Richmond’s Howlin’ Dog Studio in Alamosa, Colorado in 2006 and then recorded songs 3 and 13 in July, 2009. I especially thank recording engineers Phil Gall and Don Richmond for their consummate skills. I hope you enjoy these songs and the sweep of time that they represent!

Eric Thor Karlstrom, 2009