A humorous and satirical glimpse behind the ivory curtain of academe at some of the insane and inane goings-on at our institutions of higher ignorance, er, I mean, learning. This collection of irreverent (and original) country, bluegrass, folk, and rap songs explores and exposes some of the follies and foibles of modern university life from the perspectives of professors, graduate students, undergrads, and even a grounds crew worker. As a professor for the past two decades, I didn’t need to use my imagination to write most of these musical sagas- most of these stories actually happened to me! In truth, writing and recording these songs may have helped me to maintain my sanity- and hopefully, hearing this collection of songs may also help preserve or restore yours (or perhaps that of a friend or loved one) if you or they currently find yourselves spinning helplessly and haplessly on the academic gerbil wheel. This album was recorded in Phil Gall’s Mudshark Recording Studio in Flagstaff, Arizona – which also happens to be his spacious and comfy living room!